Epithermal quartz-sericite-adularia Au, Ag
The Columbia Project is a high-grade, near-surface, epithermal system hosting a PEA stage resource. The historical resource estimates document up to 1.6 million oz Au (with appreciable Ag). 319 drill holes totaling 43,456 m of drilling were completed, with the deposit generally open below 100-150 meters depth and along strike.
Volcanogenic massive sulfide- gold/silver/copper
High grade copper silver and gold mineralization across 3.2 + km strike and up to 6 m width. High grade Surface samples generally from 1 to 3 % Cu, 90+ g/t Ag, to ½ oz/t Au (Mitchell, 1972).
Basement Hosted Uranium
Anomalous U3O8 values (up to 0.19%) on one of the largest airborne radiometric anomalies in the southern Athabasca basin.