Epithermal quartz-sericite-adularia Au, Ag
The Columbia Project is a high-grade, near-surface, epithermal system hosting a PEA stage resource. The historical resource estimates document up to 1.6 million oz Au (with appreciable Ag). 319 drill holes totaling 43,456 m of drilling were completed, with the deposit generally open below 100-150 meters depth and along strike.
Volcanogenic massive sulfide- gold/silver/copper
High grade copper silver and gold mineralization across 3.2 + km strike and up to 6 m width. High grade Surface samples generally from 1 to 3 % Cu, 90+ g/t Ag, to ½ oz/t Au (Mitchell, 1972).
Bank Project, AK
Intrusion Related Gold
Early stage intrusion-related gold project accessible by road approximately 40 km northeast of Fairbanks, AK. Proximal to numerous multi million once gold deposits such as Kinross Fort Knox Gold Mine.
Minkap Resources Corp. Acquires the Breccia Gold Property from DGRM
Gaia Metals Corp. (Patriot Battery Metals) Acquires the Freeman Creek Gold Property from DGRM